Wednesday, July 31, 2019

APUSH Summer Assignment Essay

Many farmers were considered peasants in the 800s. SIG: Peasants would revolt and cause movements that go against the economic reasoning. The movements were usually to gain recognition for their work and other reasons. Yeomen ID: A servant who gives assistance to royal households or other great households SIG: A yeomen farmer was the ideal American which is being independent and hardworking. They were the best type of citizen to have a say in politics. Dower ID:The portion of property a widow receives from her deceased husband’s belongings. SIG: In the 18th and 19th centuries dower rights were not given much attention. In 1945, dower was abolished but some states still allowed bits of property to be given to a widow. Primogeniture ID: Being the firstborn and eldest of the children of the same parents. Also receiving the largest portion of the father’s property after the death of the father. SIG: This ensured that powerful families kept their power in their family line. Pagans ID: a follower of a polytheistic religion or an irreligious person. SIG: This is significant because many American pagan religions contain different traditions that are similar to to others. Also traditions have been passed down for thousands of years. Heresy ID: When one has a belief that is mutually opposed to a church or religious system. SIG: This separated church and states. A result from this was the unappreciative countries towards the American Church’s optimism. Civic Humanism ID: The idea that one should participate actively in serving its leader or state in the 15th century. SIG: The language of civic humanism was a tool to the leaders who Republics ID: a body of people viewed as a commonwealth or a state where the head of government is not a monarch. SIG: The government of the United States is based partly on Rome’s model of a republic and the U. S has been authorized by the United States Corporation created in 1871. The forming of a republic from Rome’s model is a significant part of US history. Guilds ID: An association of people who have some power and are reaching a common goal. SIG: These were important for trading and small societies that could have grew to be important in history. Reconquista ID:The effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain from the 1100s to 1492. SIG: It is important to study because the Christian people fought until they expelled their enemies. The Reconquista became an ethnic need. Conquistadors ID: A Spanish conqueror of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century. SIG: They were mercenaries who were responsible for the near extinction of native people in present day US, Mexico, and Central America. Encomiendas ID: A system created in 1503 which guaranteed Spanish soldiers land with Indians. SIG: This led to forced labor which led to enslavement which was used in the US for years. Columbian Exchange ID: This was an exchange between the new and old world of culture, plants, animals, and diseases. This changed the way Europeans and Native Americans lived. SIG: This affected both sides of the world culturally and socially. Mestizos ID: a person of mixed ancestry from Latin America SIG:Mestizos were born to give power to the Spaniards and maintain their power. This affected races by not being biological instead history. Caste System ID: a Hindu system of social classes based on castes SIG: it was important because it divided labor in societies Indulgences ID: a pardon from punishments that would have happened due to sins SIG: Indulgences emerged in the 1 lth century when the idea of purgatory spread. Reformers complained about the selling of indulgences. Predestination ID:the idea that God has determined who will be saved and who will not SIG: People hought the idea came so the conquistadors can be forgiven for what they did to the natives. Mercantilism ID: A system that worked to unify a nation by strict regulations of national economy. SIG: European countries had knowledge with building empires and engaging in the system of mercantilism. The colonies in the United States grew and the English knew they could increase trade and benefit from it. Price Revolution ID: The 16th century era of sustained inflation SIG: This led to the price of food to rise and fall. The prices were changing often due and gold from the New World that was brought to Europe. Part Two: Chapter 1 Questions . The four main characteristics of the Indian civilizations in Mesoamerica where art, religion, society and economy. These characteristics were equal to those of Europe and the Mediterranean. Mesoamericans portrayed art through dance, pottery, and music. All of the Mesoamerican religions were polytheistic and the gods had to be given offerings. Mesoamericans did not have unity, so they were divided in a social hierarchy. The economy relied on agriculture because of the scarce amount of large animals. . The eastern woodland Indian societies were organized and governed by self-governing tribes composed of clans. In their culture, the elders would encourage local chief, who aided clan elders conducted ceremonies and regulated personal life. Gender played a role when it came to farming because it was the province of both sexes, but among eastern Woodland Indians it was the work of women. These societies were matrilineal, which is the inheritance one receives from the female line of ancestors. Farmers focused on religious ceremonies related to the agricultural cycle

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psychology Reflection Paper

Rocio Herrera Dep 2004 Dr. Norda Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Harsh-Heart use authoritarian parenting style, I do not see any advantages when a parent uses this type of parenting style to raise their children. Authoritarian parenting style set very high standards for the children; parents are very demanding and are not responsive to the child’s needs or concerns. Parents don’t try to understand the child or try to understand the child’s point of view. These parents set strict rules of conduct and are critical of their children for not meeting these high standards.Parents want to control their children by telling them what they need to do without explaining why they want their children to do things and if the child questions the authority, parents reply with â€Å"Because I said so†, instead of going in to detail why it’s not a good choice. Children raised by authoritarian parents don’t learn to think for themselves and don’t understand why p arents want them to behave in a certain way. Parents with Authoritarian parenting style tend to focus more on bad behavior than positive behavior; if the child behaves badly they are harshly punished.Children may learn to behave themselves because of fear of the parent or may have a hard time learning to think for them or they may rebel in reaction to the controlling methods of their parents. Another disadvantage for children raised by authoritarian parents is they have little or no freedom. Children raised under this control have less social ability, they are more likely to experience a nervous breakdown, become runaway. Children can’t distinguish between a good choice and a bad choice; it limits the child to think freely.A child may fall into depression, alienation of public life and develop other psychological problems, the child may have poor social skills inn which may lead to inferiority complex, lack of confidence and self-worth. Adolescents may fall into unhealthy hab its such as drug use or early exploration of the sexual activities. Authoritarian parents pick and choose who their teenager friends. There is no room for creativity or freely expression; adolescents may not think about his/her likes instead they tend to obey their parents which can create self-identity problems.Ethical issues arise when using harshly punishment to discipline children such as if it’s morally correct because of the impact and effect that it has on children and even as an adult. Harshly punishments can be physical, verbal, withholding or penalties. Physical punishments are spanking, paddling, using a belt, hair brush, slapping or using anything to hit a child. Verbal punishments are shaming, using cruel word, putting a child down, ridiculing. Withholding rewards are for example you are not allowed to watch TV until you don’t do your homework.I tend to use withholding rewards from my son when he does not want to do homework, I tell him that the faster he is done, the sooner he can relax and watch TV. Penalties are such as if the child breaks something having him to pay it from his/her allowance. I also use this one too to discipline my son, he lost his Nintendo DSI at Wal-Mart, I quickly went to buy him a new one then he broke it so I asked him to pay for it from his piggy bank. I wanted to teach him to take care of the things he has and things cost money and we need to be more responsible of taking care of the things we like.Spanking is corporal punishment and although spanking was once the most popular way to discipline a child, it is no longer considered the first option or acceptable. Spanking sends mix signals to children such as if you spank your child for hitting his sibling, are you saying it’s acceptable for you to hit but not acceptable for the child to do so. As a parent you should lead by example and obviously you want to be clear in what you are projecting. The problem with spanking is parents are frustrated, ang ry and tired when they use physical punishment.How can one measure measure if you are crossing the thin line between physical discipline and physical abuse when you acting on anger or frustration? You really can’t, especially if you are hot headed. The safest way is not to do it, take a moment to cool off and acting on anger. It is a negative reinforcement and harmful. Children can lose self-esteem by being spanked as form of discipline, I find it humiliating way (for the child) to teach the difference between right and wrong.If a parent just does it once, it is easier to resort to that type of discipline in the future than using verbal discipline. A child may get used to being spanked every time he/she behaves bad and it may not have the same effect anymore and this can lead to a more severe way of physical discipline such as punching and kicking. How I differentiate what is ethical and unethical way of discipline is by knowing that I only want was best for him and will do a nything in power to raise him to best I can and refraining for anything that can harm him, emotional and physically wise.As parent you have to put on the scale the advantages and disadvantages of spanking and of course the disadvantages are greater. The Department of Children and families is responsible for protecting from child abuse and neglect. In severe cases such as the child having broken bones, bruises and cuts children are taken away from their home and put into child protective services and may charge the parent with child abuse and be asked to take parenting classes in order to get their children back.Child Protective Services is concern with the safety and wellbeing of children. Mr. and Mrs. Easy-Going use Authoritative child-rearing style, it is the most successful approach. Authoritative parents listen to their children, encourage independence, place limits, consequences and expectation on their children’s behavior, express warmth and nurturance, allow children t o express their opinions encourage children to discuss options and give their children consistent discipline.This type of parenting style values child’s autonomy and self-expression, but knows also sets limits. Parents use rational expiations for why they must follow the rules, accepts the child’s qualities but also encourages the child to grow by modeling proper behavior. Children raised by authoritative parents are socially accountable for their actions, making them socially trustworthy. Allowing children to have discussions with parents on topics children learn how to communicate with others, and learn how to obey the rules without showing signs of anger.Children raised in household that promote love are qualified to conquer dreams and goals at will; children grow up to be efficient grownups. Children do very well in school and exhibit academic achievement. They are very confident and become successful adults. These parents are more focused on teaching than punishin g a bad behavior; although children are more happy and better behave than other children being raised by an authoritarian parent. A disadvantage of authoritative parenting is sometimes difficult to maintain when you have a willful child.A parent must develop or have a high degree of patience and must be cultivated if parents want to maintain an authoritative atmosphere at home. House rules may have to be change as the child continues to grow such as the rules of a 6 year old will not be the same as when the child is 8 years old. The rules require periodic refinement in order for children to benefit from it. Since not all situations are the same sometimes parents need to amend or develop a new response to something the child says or does. This type of child rearing style requires dedication and sometimes attitude adjustment.It is evident that the advantages are greater than the disadvantage in authoritative child rearing; this is a great approach to allow your children to grow mental ity, physically and mainly emotionally. This by far the most effective way to raise your children with all the skills they need to become successful in life. I was raised by grandmother and she use authoritarian child rearing style and I had a unpleasant childhood, I was constantly yelled out and was severely punish physically and although I love grandmother until this day I still recent her for raising me that way.What I learned from my experience as a child is that when I have my child I was going to do things differently. I try very hard to be a better parent by motivating, teaching, and encourage my son on how important it is to make good choices in life. We have discussion about school, I allow him to make choices on his own and allow him to express his feelings and thoughts. In the Hispanic culture is normal to spank your children, yell at them and hit them with the chancleta but I want my son to better than me and using the authoritative child rearing style is the best approa ch.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The future of natural medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The future of natural medicine - Essay Example The future of helth cre nd medicine cn not be predicted, but it will certinly be developing into n Informtion ge, evolving in itself. Prticulrly, the medicl services will be delivered through the Internet nd other innovtive mens of communiction providing qulity nd cre whenever nd wherever needed. E-medicine refers to the use of telecommuniction tht provides medicl informtion nd services. It my be s simple s two helth professionls discussing cse over the telephone, or s sophisticted s using stellite technology to brodcst consulttion between providers t two distnt loctions, using videoconferencing equipment." (Gustke et l., 20000) The simplest definition of E-Medicine is tht it uses multimedi technology (voice, video nd dt) to deliver medicl services. The lower cost of bnd- width nd improvement in video nd dt compression stndrds hve incresed the number nd types of medicl services tht cn be delivered from distnce to include virtully every specilty. E-Medicine is n ppliction nd not technology. It uses hybrid technology incorporting elements of television, telecommuniction, computers, engineering nd medicine. Services cn be delivered on combintion of technologies with vriety of equipment. The objective of E-medicine "is not n evolutionry concept but revolutionry concept nd t the hert of every revolution, there is the need for sudden mssive chnge, t the core of which is the humn mind." (Merrell, 2004). E-medicine in the future will bring mny benefits to helth cre system, will fcilitte the work of helth cre employees nd improve the response time for ptients. Prticulrly, the benefits of e-medicine include: higher qulity helthcre vilble to trditionlly under privileged popultion. For lrge rurl bsed popultion seprted by lrge distnces the ccess to regulr qulity medicl cre is needed nd cn be provided by e-medicine. E-medicine cn enhnce citizen's equlity in the vilbility of vrious medicl services nd clinicl helth cre, despite these economic nd geogrphic brriers. E-medicine will sve the time wsted by both providers nd ptients in trveling from one geogrphic loction to nother to vil services on time. The ptient who requires immedite specilist consultncy, nd there is no specilist vilble to cter to him, could be utilized for effective helthcre delivery. E-medicine will reduce costs of medicl cre since the rising cost of helthcre is becoming prime concern. The costs relted to ptient cre, i.e. the cost ssocited with fctors other thn the ctul medil cre such s trvel, ccommodtion for reltives, food etc lso contribute substntilly to the overll cost of tretment. In country where helth insurnce is yet to ctch up, ll these re borne by ptients, in mny cses by selling property nd livestock. If hospitls cn reduce these costs ssocited with tretment, it would go long wy in reducing the burden of cre on the ptient. E-medicine seems to be the nswer. dvntges of E-medicine Providing helthcre services vi Internet nd other telecommuniction services gives mny dvntges. It cn mke specilty cre more ccessible to underserved rurl nd urbn popultions. Video consulttions from rurl clinic to specilist cn llevite prohibitive trvel nd ssocited costs for

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Engineering Manegment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Engineering Manegment - Essay Example hese business plans are intended to be seen as an example of either a good or a bad business plan; instead, they are to be viewed as vehicles towards understanding positive and negative components of each. The first business plan that this analysis will weigh relates to Momentex LLC and their proposed line of Gulp N Go products. Momentex would like to target the untapped market of vending services that are located within toll booths throughout the United States. The plan exhibits multiple strengths. Firstly, regardless of what one thinks of the business plan, it is undeniable that the proximity of the product to the customer is perfectly positioned. The second strength ties in alongside this proximity and evokes the strength of suggestion while the customer is already in the process of making a financial transaction – all of which further encourage him/her to make an impulse buy while at the toll booth. Lastly, for this proximity and these powers of suggestion during a financial transaction, the firm has very few costs associated with marketing as the product is positioned 24/7 and practically free marking takes place at the point of sale on a daily basis. With respect to the weaknesses exhibited in this plan, the first of these regards the legal impacts of commercialization of the toll booths and what this may portend with respect to state, local, cross jurisdictional, and tax laws. In effect, a public good (roads) will now be turned into a way of further generating funding by private businesses. This fact in and of itself has a host of both legal and ethical dilemmas associated with it. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, there is the issue of traffic flow. Toll booth areas are already high traffic areas that usually only exist in major metropolitan cities. As such, having tens of thousands of people each and every day pausing as to what particular snack or drink they would like to choose while others wait in queue behind them is a recipe for

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Impact of the Ottoman Empire on Europe's and Turkey's Essay

The Impact of the Ottoman Empire on Europe's and Turkey's architecture, gouvernment and life - Essay Example The major areas where the Ottoman caused impacts in Europe and Turkey include architecture, government, and general life of the citizens. This research paper focuses on how the Ottoman Empire changed and influenced the architecture, politics and social life in Europe and Turkey. The Ottoman Empire constituted one of the three empires that were most outstanding in the world. The other two empires of the world along with the Ottoman Empire were the Roman Empire and the British Empire1. The Ottoman Empire acquired several benefits from the already established states of Turkey. The states had already underwent a lot of establishment, thus, the Ottoman Empire used some of their resources for internal growth and development. One unique feature about the empire was that it was always attracted to ways of life of the West. Additionally, the Ottoman Empire did not have any prejudgements about anyone and bore with all forms of religious and ethnic groups within its operation regions. The founding, rising and advancement of the Ottoman Empire underwent actualisation using a well-designed plan and program. The plan for actualisation was founded on the principles of both spiritual and worldly realities in the state philosophy. The success and influence of the Ottoman Em pire was possible due to sharing the central and local leadership responsibilities with all ethnic and religious colleagues. The history of Ottoman Empire has its tracings back to a Turkish tribal chieftain known as Othman (Osman). The Seljuk Empire in Anatolia collapsed in the late thirteenth century, which led to it being divided into many states. Sogut was one of the states and its founder was Ertugrul. Osman was his son and it is after his death he took over and built the Ottoman Empire. The empire was grounded on the Islam religion. It was during the fourteenth century that he founded this empire originally known as Osmanli, but later through an evolution in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Career opportunities- Sports information director and Media relations Essay

Career opportunities- Sports information director and Media relations coordinator - Essay Example should possess good verbal and written communications, interpersonal relations, good presentation skills, and ability to work a flexible schedule (Gresham, 2015). According to Gresham (2015), to become a sports information director, one needs to pursue a degree in marketing, communication or sports. Further, one needs to get certification from the College Sports Information Directors of America to show that one has knowledge and acumen to succeed. The media relations coordinator acts as the principal point of contact for all public and media relations efforts. They engage in shaping and propagating the broad communication strategies that will influence the audiences (Loughborough University, 2010). The entry level of a media relations officer includes a bachelor’s degree in communication, public relations or any other related field. One also needs knowledge and experience with media monitoring software, online media databases, excellent attention to details, and proficiency in computer skills, ability to work independently, excellent written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills and good networking skills (Marketing, 2012). To become a public relations coordinator, one needs to go through the general education. The person should have the ability to communicate fluently both in writing and in speech. One should also get training in marketing, communications and writing. Additionally one should be networked by joining the Public Relations Student Society of America. One should also get to go for internships while in school to gain the hands-on knowledge (Marketing,

Are states the driving force behind globalisation, or its victims Essay

Are states the driving force behind globalisation, or its victims - Essay Example It is for this reason that arguments and counterarguments have been advanced, concerning states as the driving forces in international relations, or victims of the same. A clear analysis of international relations and politics reveals that states are the main actors or the driving force in international relations, as shall be seen in the discussion that ensues forthwith. That states are the main actors behind globalisation, is a matter that is well underscored by the events that surrounded and succeeded Cold War. Although globalisation can be said to have started towards the end of the 16th century AD as feudalism was being replaced by capitalism in Western Europe, yet states played a pivotal role in triggering the advent of globalisation. The role of the state in globalisation is underscored by the fact that the pace in which globalisation takes place has mainly been commensurate with interests and input of the major powers in international relations. This is in complete consistence with all the theoretical frameworks that make attempt at explaining international relations. This is to say that if states have the might to hinder globalisation, then they also have the wherewithal to catalyse globalisation (Peet, 2009, 105). Scholte (2005, 125) is poignant that the role that states play in international relations is even more pronounced when international relations is viewed through the prism of realism. Realism has it that the world of politics is driven by self-interests which are highly competitive in nature. Realism continues that the very international system wherein states compete is anarchic. By this, it is not meant that international system is inherently chaotic, but that there is no higher power that can hinder aggression or make arbitrations on disputes. Because of this, this anarchical system forces states to arm themselves in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Agenda Setting Conference Assignment - 2

International Agenda Setting Conference - Assignment Example We hope that you will comply with our request to keep the sound at a minimum during your services. We simply ask to keep the music down to a level that is not disturbing to others. This will keep a more peaceful community that can maintain good relations with one another. The neighbors and I agree that writing this letter would be appropriate. You are just as much a part of this community as anyone and a respectful letter is well deserved. I feel that before the city counselor authorities are involved, it is best to consult you first. One change I will execute in my upcoming presentation is to participate more with individual classmates Other students deserve more involvement with my discussion. By questioning my fellow classmates and receiving questions, the presentation is bound to be more fun and interesting. Before the presentation will I ask the students to write down their questions in order to not forget them. During my presentation, I will call on a few people and ask questions. Students will have a chance to voice and hear opinions concerning the topic. This change will allow for more attractive and unbiased presentation. The narcotizing function can be described as giving an appearance of contributing to a cause by excessive mass media coverage when in reality there is no contribution to the problem, people are only informed of the problem. In other words, the media’s wide coverage gives the assumption that something is being done, but the doing is superficial. â€Å"Exposure to this fold of information may serve to narcotize rather than to energize the average reader or listener† (Marris, P., Thornham, S. 22). The term function is typically stated as dysfunction because of its negative outcomes.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


OFF ROAD COMPETITION 4X4 CLIMB HILL TRUCK - Research Paper Example The only identified drawback of the sport is that it maintains potential to jeopardize the sustainability of environmental regions where these competitions occur. This project identifies the social, cultural, economic, and environmental concerns associated with the sport to identify off road racing’s long-term viability and safety. Furthermore, the paper explores how the sport is sanctioned and regulated as a means of understand how the sport has evolved over the last 40 years. Off road racing competitions are a form of motorsports that differ from other motor vehicle competitions, such as NASCAR, which involve racing competitions utilizing paved roadways and asphalt-based tracks. Off road competitions, utilizing 4x4 vehicles, are established for hill climbing in forested regions or sand dunes by which competitors must adhere to particular rules and regulations regarding competitive activity. Though the specific rules for off road racing differ depending on the nature of the competition, the volume of competitors, and the particular sanctioning body responsible for controlling and standardizing the competitions, off road racing has become a rather widespread racing phenomenon across the United States and many other nations around the globe. When examining off road race competitions, it becomes necessary to examine the historical developments in racing to fully understand how contemporary competitions have evolved into the dynamic and challenging racing structures it is today. Furthermore, a well-developed technological infrastructure supporting off road racing has evolved that improves not only safety in off-roading, but also durability of the 4x4 vehicles utilized for competition to make the events more viable for long-term competitive entry by combatants. This paper further examines the economic issues involved with off road racing and the cultural perspectives associated with those who are engaged and fascinated by such competitions, as well as the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Saudi Arabian 10th Five-Year Development Plan from 2015-2020 Essay

The Saudi Arabian 10th Five-Year Development Plan from 2015-2020 - Essay Example From the report it is clear the tenth five years development plan mainly aims to strengthen the economy and promote economic growth, competitiveness and stability. The plan also focuses on enhancing the institutional reforms and increases the productivity and the efficiency of the state agencies. The construction industry output is expected to increase by 10.98%. The problem or the challenges related to the increase in population is likely to overcome by developing the housing and infrastructure facilities of the country or the nation. It also focuses on development and improvement of its tourism industry for decreasing its dependence on the oil sector for generating revenue in the economy. As the essay stresses the Gulf Cooperation Council aims to develop the cross border trade and reducing the rapid population growth. The minister for Atomic and Renewable energy announced that the total installation capacity is required to be increased by reducing the dependence on hydrocarbons and strengthening its relationship with China and other neighboring countries. An agreement was signed between the Chinese government and Saudi Arabia for increasing production and the peaceful utilization of the renewable and the nuclear energy. The railway master plan of Saudi Arabia focuses on the conceptual framework required for the long term development of the country’s passenger and improving the railway transport network. The investment in the tourism and travel sector of the country is likely to increase by more than 33.5 billion by the end of the year 2020.

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Tale of Two Cities Essay Example for Free

A Tale of Two Cities Essay Throughout well-known stories, authors tend to develop memorable characters in order to enhance the plot; although they may not always be portrayed in the most considerate manner. In Charles Dickens’ novel A Tale of Two Cities, he also uses such characters. First, Lucie’s role of over dramatic damsel in distress. Second, Miss Pross’ participation as the over protective mother figure. And third, Mme. Defarge as the bloodthirsty crazed villain. Through these characters, Dickens portrays women in the three most stereotypical demeanors: weak and fragile, a worrisome mother and a psychotic wife. Throughout the novel, Lucie is a feeble girl who cannot stand up to the hardships of life. â€Å"Perfectly still and silent, and not even fallen back in her chair, she sat under his hand, utterly insensible; with her eyes fixed upon him and with that last expression looking as if it were carved or branded in to her forehead† (Dickens 25). This is Lucie’s reaction to the news from Mr. Lorry that her father, presumed to be dead, has been found alive after spending eighteen years in the Bastille. Instead of a normal reaction of tears and joy, she is simply so stunned that she cannot even move; her expression of shock and fear is frozen upon her face. She reacts very similarly when she goes to meet  her father for the first time. Dickens writes, â€Å"Mr. Lorry got his arm securely round the daughter’s waist, and held that she was sinking†¦ ‘I am afraid of it’ she answered, shuddering. ‘Of it? What?’ ‘I mean of him. Of my father’ † (36). Of course it would be intimidating for her to meet her father for the first time in her life but she is on the verge of fainting a second time just from thinking about her father. She also does not even see him as human referring to him as â€Å"it†, not even wanting to approach her father. Finally, when her husband is taken away to prison, again she displays weakness, â€Å"As he went out at the prisoners’ door, she turned laid her head lovingly on her father’s breast, tried to speak to him and fell at his feet† (324). Yes it horrible to have her husband sentenced to death and is taken away to prison. But, she has a 6 year old daughter, she cannot give in to self-pity and weakness, it is the time for her to be strong not only for herself but for her daughter as well. It is important for her to see her mother strong and able to be there for her, but when she faints, her hope falls alongside her mother’s body. It seems Lucie has never had to really fight or be strong for anything in her life before. She acts like she always needs to rely upon someone else; she is very dependant upon others. Miss Pross’ role in the novel, although not very large, was nonetheless very important, especially for Lucie. Miss Pross was the mother figure in Lucie’s life, always caring for her and always nurturing her. When Lucie faints at the mention of her father, it is Miss Pross who is the first to her side: â€Å" ‘Why, look at you all!’ bawled this figure, addressing the inn servants. ‘Why don’t you go and fetch things, instead of standing there staring at me?†¦if you don’t bring smelling salts, cold water, and vinegar, quick, I  will’ † (26). She quickly takes charge of the situation and gives out orders in the same urgency as if it was her own daughter. It is also always Lucie for whom she is most concerned about: â€Å" ‘O me, O me! All is lost!’ cried she, wringing her hands. ‘What is to be told to Ladybird? He doesn’t know me, and is making shoes!’ † (187). Dr. Manette has a relapse and is no longer coherent. Miss Pross’ first concern is not restoring Dr. Manette back to health, but what the impact of seeing her father like this will do to Lucie. Finally, Miss Pross demonstrates her love for Lucie because she is willing to lay down her life for Lucie: â€Å" ‘I am a Briton,’ said Miss Pross, ‘I am desperate. I don’t care an English twopence for myself. I know that the longer I keep you here, the greater hope there is for my ladybird’ † (356). This demonstrates Miss Pross’ love for Lucie, risking her life in the hope that her sacrifice will keep Lucie safe. Miss Pross means well and is always looking out for Lucie and would do anything for her. However at times her actions are a bit eccentric. Finally, there is Mme Defarge, a very angry and vengeful woman. Mme Defarge takes it upon herself to make a register of all the nobility whom she proclaims as enemies to the revolution: â€Å" ‘Knitted in her own stiches and her own symbols, it will always be as plain to her as the sun. Confide in Madame Defarge. It would be easier for the weakest poltroon that lives, to erase himself from existence, than to erase one letter of his name of crimes from the knitted register of Madame Defarge’ † (166). This is M. Defarge explaining his wife’s register to others of the revolution, and saying that any who make it onto the register; will meet certain death. Not only does she register all  nobility in her knitting, but Mme Defarge also makes a point to remember the faces of anyone who is an enemy to the revolution: â€Å" ‘His appearance; is it known?’ ‘Age, about forty years; height, about five feet nine; black hair; complexion dark; generally, rather handsome visage; eyes dark, face thin, long and sallow; nose aquiline, but not straight, having a peculiar inclination towards the left cheek’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœIt is a portrait!’ said madame, laughing. ‘He shall be registered to-morrow’ † (171). Just from this short description, Mme Defarge already has a mental image of this man and even commits it to her memory. Finally, once she decides to kill someone, she will stop at nothing to kill them: â€Å" ‘I have been in the streets from the first, nothing has stopped me, I will tear you to pieces, but I will have you from that door’ † (356). This is Mme Defarge when she is confronting Miss Pross, telling her that she has been fighting in the streets for the revolution since day one, and nothing will keep her from killing Lucie as well. Mme Defarge’s rage and thirst for blood did greatly help the revolution. However, it became something that ultimately consumed her and turned her in to what she set out to destroy in the first place. It is through these characters that Dickens portrays women very unjustly. Lucie as delicate and flimsy, not being able to handle life’s hardships. Miss Pross as the overprotective mother, sometimes taking her job to the extreme. Mme Defarge as the crazed wife, always full of anger and violence. Even though women display these qualities from time to time, is it really fair to say that these traits define their whole character.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Physical fitness Cardio-vascular endurance

Physical fitness Cardio-vascular endurance Fitness components in sport Health related components Cardio-vascular endurance Cardio-vascular endurance is how the body supplies oxygen to fuel the muscles when participating in sport or high endurance events and situations. It does this through the heart, blood vessels, blood and respiratory system. Footballers need cardio-vascular endurance when the play because they need to be able to run throughout the whole 90 mins. Oxygen to the muscles is what allows them to do this. Swimmers need cardio-vascular endurance when they do long distance races e.g. 1500m swimming race where their body need a descent supply of oxygen to the muscles from start to finish. Boxers need to have excellent c-v endurance to be able to compete at a strong pace throughout a fight. Their muscles need oxygen in order to work throughout a fight so that they can throw punch after punch and block after block. Both these motions need the muscles to contract, flex and tense. Muscular endurance Muscular endurance is the ability to perform repetitive or sustained muscular contractions against some resistance for an extended period of time. Muscular endurance allows athletes to do more strenuous work. Footballers need muscular endurance to be able to repeatedly use muscles throughout a match e.g. in sprinting a player uses the quads and caths over and over throughout the game. In swimming they use their muscles continually over the race e.g. in butterfly they use most if not all the bodies muscles to drag themselves through the water. Boxers need muscular endurance to be able to continuously throw punches from round one to round twelve because they need to be swinging away for the whole fight but if they cant then they wont be able to fight the whole twelve rounds. Muscular strength Muscular strength is the ability of an athlete to perform a sport at a sustained high tempo for a short amount of time. Footballers need muscular strength to be able to exert strength when they shoot the ball from a long distance so that it travels fast and with power towards their target. Swimmers use strength when they push of the back board after a length in order to start the next lap. This requires the use and strength from the quads, calfs and foot muscles for the push off. In boxing when a fight needs to dodge a shot they may use the tactic of leaning back to avoid the punch. This requires the use the abdominal muscles. These need strength to be able to support his upper body as he leans back. Flexibility There are two types of flexibility. They are static flexibility and dynamic flexibility. Static is when an athlete slowly stretch and hold the position for a period of time. Dynamic is when an athlete makes a quick movement in which they stretch. In football a goal keeper needs flexibility when he stretches for the ball e.g. when the ball is heading for the top corner. Swimmers need good flexibility to be able to stretch their arms out properly and have a good stroke length e.g. Michael Phellps showed good flexibility when he was waiting on the starting board by showing his arm span and stretching it to its relaxed max before the start of the race. Boxers dont really need too much flexibility but the one time they do need is when they lean back. They stretch the back throughout this movement. Body composition Body composition is the amount of fat, bone and muscle in the human body. Athletes need different body compositions to perform different sports. Footballers need to have a slim body composition because they need to be able to carry their weight around the pitch. If a footballer is fat then it makes it harder to run for long periods and also makes it harder to carry their own body weight. Swimmers need to be slim so that they can travel through the water faster and smoother. Depending on a boxers weight class a boxer needs to big and heavy or thin and light. This is so they can perform fairly at their weight class. Skill-related fitness Balance Balance is a skill that is naturally learnt after birth but can be developed further by an athlete so they can perform their sport properly. Balance is important because we must stay in a state of complete balance when performing are sports So that we dont fall over when performing. Some athletes need more balance than others. Footballers need balance when they shot. They put their arms into a supportive stance for when they hit the ball so that they dont lose their balance. Swimmers need balance when they are getting ready to dive in at the start of a race. A good balance can give them a good start allows them to get a head start. Boxer need balance so they can throw strong punches and put their whole body weight behind the shot also when they dodge shots they need to have good balance to enable them to recover into the stance quicker. Speed Speed is the quickness of a limb over a distance in time but it does not just affect the legs it involves all limbs and body parts from legs, torso to arms. Some footballers need to be fast this needs speed e.g. a winger needs speed because he is expected to run the lines to create the opposition with a problem. Swimmers need speed when they lash through the water to keep a good stroke per minute time. Boxers need speed when they throw a jab so that they can catch the opponent off guard and also so they can get out the way of any counter punches. Power Power is the ability to apply force quickly. A simple equation for power is: muscular strength X speed = Power. . Power contains speed because in order to apply force you need speed. Footballers need power when shooting at goal. They need the quads and the calfs to gather up power on their way to the ball so that the shot can be harder and faster. Swimmers need power to be able to pull them through the water at pace e.g. when they do the freestyle they need to have fast, strong and powerful stokes. Boxer throw punch after punch, these punches need to be fast and power full so that they are unseen and effective e.g. a hook needs to be fast and power full so that the opponent does not see it and even if he does block the shot it will still hurt. Reaction time Reaction time is the time it takes for an athlete to react to a situation that is happening very quickly (The time taken to react to any stimuli). A goal keeper in football needs to have fast reacting times to be able to react to shots coming from 50yds to 2yds. Swimmers need to be able to react to the starting alarm as quickly impossible so that they are not left behind and can establish a lead. For boxers to be able to dodge in coming punches they need to react to the earliest stimuli and duck and swerve out the way. Agility Agility is the ability to stop and change direction or movement quickly. Footballers need agility because the game can change so quickly e.g. the goalkeeper blocks a shoot but the ball lands right in front of the goal, the player with best agility should react quickest and move fastest in order to defend it or strike it into the goal. Swimmers dont really need to be to agile but one place they do need it is when they are turning around for the next length because they need this switch of direction to be as quick as possible also being in water makes it harder because of the extra resistance. Boxers need to be agile unless they want to take hit after hit without getting out the way. When a boxer is be attacked by his opponent he will need the agility in his muscles to be able to move lightening quick to get out the way. Co-ordination Co-ordination is the ability to do something in a combination continuously. Footballers need co-ordination so that they can move the ball fluently between their legs because in football its not just putting on foot in front of the other it also about judging the speed of the ball and your own speed. Then when you shot you need to have placed your feet in the right places this takes co-ordination. Swimmers need co-ordination throughout a race. It quite easy but they need to co-ordinate when they should come up for oxygen so that they dont lose their speedy pace for example in the freestyle the swimmers have a number of strokes that they prefer to do before they come up for oxygen. This is all quite simple but if you lose your count and co-ordination then you can do too many stroke or too few and lose your oxygen pattern.

Consequences and Benefits of Liberalism

Consequences and Benefits of Liberalism Liberalism as a political idea has become far too complicated. It appears there is as much liberalism as there are liberals. Some of which are: libertarianism, classical liberalism, bleeding heart liberalism, economic liberalism, political liberalism, social liberalism, high liberalism, objectivism, anarcho-capitalism, and most popularly neo-liberalism. It is safe to say that these numerous views on Liberalism amount to an opaque understanding of liberalism, which needs to be sorted out instantly. The controversial question is ‘’ what exactly is liberalism and what are the best ways to achieve maximum utility in the economy as well as the society via liberalism? Due to the inconclusive nature of this term, various economists have their distinct views on liberalism, ranging from absolute freedom to, liberalism with use of force, to feminism and liberalism, liberalism and its response to corporate political spending, liberalism and public reason and so on. Milton Friedman assesses political liberal thought from the 17th century to today. He explains that over the past 350 years, liberalism has been responsible for the progressive change that has taken place in the United States and England. Friedman believes that the success of liberalism is based on the initial idea of liberalism itself, and observes, that this ideology is committed to progress and has as its goal, the improvement in the preference of people both politically and economically. Regardless of this, liberalism has been criticised by the conservative agenda, which is of the opinion that there is an excess impact of government in liberalism, which contradicts the initial idea of th e term itself. Friedman is of the belief that the government engages in reckless spending, high taxation and monopolizing world power. However, liberalism holds that while government has power, the power should be limited; therefore the government has the duty to respect the liberty of individuals, tolerate religious groups, making modern democracy and outgrowth of liberalism. Liberalism is based on the idea of democracy; therefore its principles should be based factors that promote minimal government intervention on economic issues and maximum voice of the people. Some of these issues related to liberalism are as follows; the determination to get past nationalism. Liberalism should prioritize free movement of labour as well as capital. Basically, this view is against the existence of boarders, therefore it calls for advanced countries, to make major investments in 3rd world countries in order to elevate them to the point where emigration becomes optional as opposed to an act of sur vival. The bottom line of this view is the belief that the entire world should be a single economic zone. When this happens human potential can be fully maximized, hence labour’s ability to reach its maximum value. Secondly, education should be easily attainable, and should have no actual beginning and an end, hence the abolishment of an authoritarian structure of the traditional university. Education should not prepare individuals to serve others, but should acquire a global sense of joy and pleasure, a movement of play and adventure it has lost. Finally, the money economy must end in order for there to be diverse lifestyle. Neoliberalism is the theme of the current economy we live in; therefore exploitation is simply seen as a means to an end. Friedman’s view enables us to see reasons why liberalism should change the view of the economy and how it measures progress.   According to Friedman’s view, based on the initial idea of liberalism, separating human action from money and removing the need to accumulate money as a function of physical survival, new forms of human relationship, will come into being that we can hardly anticipate yet. Art will at last become democratized and liberating, because its compromise with money will not be a factor. Contrary to Milton Friedman’s view on liberalism and the ideal form it’s supposed to take, Liberalism is not as straightforward as it sounds. Greener, another economist is of believe that, liberalism and force are immensely related. He points out the fact that regardless of what we believe liberalism to be, the issue of military action may appear to be a contradiction. According to Greener, in the 1980’s, some authors have tried to show the relationship between liberalism and democracy, stating that liberalism promotes peaceful relations. There is a strong belief that liberalism is the nucleus of democracy. Regardless of these relations, greener believes that people are brainwashed and believe that there is only one view of liberalism; hence we have become programmed to do what the leaders of economy want, without even knowing it. Greener believes that there are actually various liberal approaches based on the priority that is given to the values that are held. H e is strongly of the opinion that liberal approaches differ because of the emphasis placed on different values. Some of the values that are part of the liberalism are tolerance and consent versus progress and civility, or values of cosmopolitanism versus communitarianism. Liberalism and the use of force could be justified on the grounds that’s there are different values, such as self-defence, or the creation of liberal entities. Liberals highlight the necessity of military forces in order to protect liberal societies and states.   This is a paradox in itself but greener lays emphasis on the importance of rights, rule of law, individualism, tolerance and consent. The idea of the comprehensiveness of liberalism, based on concept of progress and a resolute view of development and civility, provides a major site of altercation in speculating about the use of force when apposed against ideals of tolerance and consent. The second part of the article examines this key site of deba te and explores the tension between cosmopolitan and communitarian views point out the various instances   the deployment of militaries can be justified by which of those liberal terms. Finally, with some reflections about the urgent need for those of us in the international relations field to be able to articulate just what kinds of liberal values are being pursued in the global arena so that we may better assess future actions undertaken in the name of liberal values. An interesting question to ask is, is feminist political liberalism possible? Hartley. C and Watson lay emphasis on the relationship between feminism and liberalism. The ideal idea behind liberalism is to promote equality, but feminism recognizes in the liberal capitalist system that there is still gender inequality. The fact is the liberal principles include democracy, tolerance and equality for all citizens. Besides that, liberalism holds many different comprehensive doctrines as reasonable. The position taken is that political liberalism can be feminist, as far as particular political conceptions of justice can have feminist content’’, but also because the core commitments of political liberalism is geared only to secure genuine substantive equality for all, including women’’(p122). Feminism was simply the application of liberal principles to women. Women were seen as having fundamentally the same nature and interests as men and thereby entitled to the same rights. Thorough feminists in the 1970’s strongly opposed the liberal assimilation of womens claims; based on the belief that liberal conception of person did not signify women’s nature.   They insisted that although  Ã‚   the liberal individual was based on impersonal notion and coherence, womens moral life was entrenched in her body and emotions.   Higgins, T.E supports this point by enlightening us on how liberalism has limited has limited the usefulness for promoting feminism. She lays emphasis on this point by stating that liberalism does not really define an agenda that guarantees women’s rights and improvements in women’s condition in society. Higgins basically sees liberalism as holding many of the contradictions that prevents it from being a theory that could stand strongly in favour of feminism. Higgins claims that liberalism holds that there are commitments to equal citizenship in the public as well as in private realms, hence creati ng the corresponding conflict, due to the lack of agreement as to where the boundary is, between public and private. Higgins claims that for a theory to be considered liberal there has to be some agreement as to a robust boundary defining these two. Basically this just means that, for something to be liberal it has to respect the liberty of choice and people must be considered as having equal worth as choosers. Unfortunately, she is of the belief that liberalism disregards boundaries and fails women in the private area. Seeing that womens difference develop into an illiberal nature in contrast to liberal man, the identical issues are raised as those that occur in the cultural case, although as well as     the mere fact that men and women would seem to have to live together in the private realm if the race is to be satisfactorily continued. Women are not treated as a self-reproducing cultural group. Nevertheless, illiberal women could be distinctively represented in the public sphere. This would turn into a compromise between the representatives of conflicting values. One could argue that woman be viewed as a weaker group whose members need an element of preferential treatment in order to attain equality on all grounds, but this view is heavily frowned on, due to the mere fact that it contradicts the idea of liberalism, which is treat everyone equally. Liberalism can also been viewed from the point of view of public reason. Macedo.S criticizes the society, showing many areas in which liberalism has shown shortcomings. He criticizes the fact that many liberal societies condone war through their war like foreign policies. He is also goes further to criticize the way in which the society accepts the unequal treatment of African Americans, the poor as well as the disabled and the way it marginalizes and excludes people. In addition to that, he sees society as mobilizing people to work on their behalf. Other areas of criticism that have been raised include sexual permissiveness, the lack of commitment in marriage and the divorce that has become commonplace, as well as the practice of abortion. As Macedo explains, He believes the society ‘’should be like Jesus’ ‘and not be as focused on materialism, consumerism and self- concern as they are. The materialistic nature, catalysed by the hunger for profit maximizati on, has led to gross exploitation of individuals, increasing the gap between the poor and the rich. This neoliberal effect contradicts the value and practices that liberalism supports. Liberalism seems to be inevitable in the global economy we live in and has significant impact on every economy. The European economy is the one of the most dominant and Pheiffer.C review of resilient liberalism in Europe’s political economy enlightens us on how liberalism appears to have lost its dominance in society with capitalism being the means of moving ahead of progress. But it appears that’s liberalism had to make some changes, and as Pheiffer maintains, liberalism shows that it was resilient and emerged as neo-liberalism, and supported competitive markets, with global free trade, and capital mobility, with a state that is no longer in charge and wanting to help everyone, but rather a state that Is there to provide support the growth of business.   Liberalism that had existed for so many years came under attack but still maintained most of its principles, although it’s constantly moving towards the idea of smaller government intervention. Liberalism has transformed into neo-liberalism and has compromised its principles in light of what it sees as progress. Laying emphasis on minimal government intervention and the increased transformation of liberalism to neo-liberalism, Isaacs, D.M, in his review of liberalism’s response to corporate political spending, talks about how liberalism is ‘’the intellectual movement that emphasizes freedom as the ultimate goal and the individual as the ultimate entity in society, pertaining to a free man’’ This basically means, in a society where there is liberalism, , there is minimal effort to limit and restrain individuals. Isaac’s claims that regardless of the fact that liberalism is about freedom as well as progress, corporate political spending is inconsistent with liberalism because it undermines government’s ability to fulfil its proper role; weakens the checks and balances that the separation of political and economic power places on political authority, and reduces the ability of individuals to counter special interests (Isaacs, p12). Ironically, he enlightens us on a major similarity between liberalism and conservatism, showing how liberalism embraces some of the thinking of conservatism. Both liberals and conservationist believe in substantial economic growth, hence their gross support of neo-liberalism.   Both parties are of belief that neo-liberalism is the sole aim for economic growth, seeing no alternate factor. Due to their rigid views on neo-liberalism they fail to see any cons of this system, regardless of the fact that neo-liberalism is potentially responsible for obliterating various economies. Referring to the initial question, on what liberalism actually is, over the years, it has been able to transform itself. Due to the inevitable adaptation of globalization and its popularity in the world we live in today, the most dominant form of liberalism is neo-liberalism.   Personally, I have a neo-liberal perspective globalization, hence my support of profit maximization. I believe we earn what we work for, and it serves as an incentive to maximize efficiency. On the other hand, profit is not always maximized in a corporate socially responsible way, making exploitation the order of the day in neo-liberal system. Like everything in life, there is always a way to make the best of every situation. Neo-liberalism is undoubtedly inevitable; considering the adoption of globalization therefore we have to adopt ways to incorporate the neo-liberal view into an efficient economic and social system. Neoliberalism comes with some major issues as mentioned all through the essay, some of which are the increase in gap between rich and poor, increase in unemployment rate and after effects from globalization. However, these issues can be solved with one basic solution; the Government should partially take care of the market in the best way it can. To start of, the government should prioritize the welfare system so that less privileged individuals can get enough financial support to live a safe life. If the world is only dependent on laws of neo-liberalism, less privileged individuals find it impossible to earn any chance to   thrive nor enhance their economic conditions, however, they will get the opportunity to broaden their family budgets and go achieve their goals, when the government provides financial back-up to them. Personally, I am of the belief that it’s nation’s duty to support members of the society and inspire them to reveal their potentials for nation and themselves. Afterwards the legislative council should consider providing jobs for people. Some of the nations are aiding unemployed people by offering living expenses and find the jobs for them.   Due to this, there has been a significant reduction in the unemployment rate in those countries.   Finally, it will be helpful if the nation controls how much the country should be globalized. Globalization, due to its profit-making motive, has the potential to promote cultural neglect. Therefore, it’ll be vital for the government to supervise the balance between folk cultures and new cultures that both globalization and neo-liberalism have created.   What is liberalism? I ask again. Some say it is the maximum level of freedom, others say it’s a faà §ade for exploitation. Truth is, it is simply what we make it. Major economist like Milton Friedman has enlightened us on the positive consequences of liberalism; such as economic growth. While others such as Macedo and Hartely, highlight the weaknesses of liberalisms, emphasizing on how it has the potential to brain-wash individuals, due to the placebo effect that liberalism is the ultimate solution to all economic and societal issues; as well as its hidden discrimination against females respectively. After intense evaluation of liberalism, it is safe to say that the viral spread of globalization has made it inevitable, so as mentioned earlier; the best way to fully utilize this system is through the corporation of the government as well as the private sector in the right proportions. CITATIONS Friedman, M.B.(2015). In praise of liberalism: An assessment of liberal political thought from the 17th century to today. Review of contemporary philosophy, 14,11-36. Greener, B.K.(2011). Liberalism and the use of force: Core themes and conceptual tensions. Alternatives: Global, Local, political,36(3) Hartley.C.& Watson(2010). Is a feminist political liberalism possible? Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy, 5(1), 121-142 Higgins, T.E.(2010). Feminism as liberalism: A tribute to the work of Martha Nussbaum Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, 19(1). Isaacs, D.M.(2014). An unexpected frond: Liberalism’s response to corporate political spending. Suffolk University Law Review, 47(2),1-30 Macedo, S. (2012). Hauerwas, Liberalism, and Public Reasons: Terms of engagement? Law and Contemporary Problems, 75(4) Pheiffer, C.F.(2013). Review of resilient liberalism in Europe’s political economy. The journal of philosophical Economics. 7(1),1-5 diZerega, G.(2011). Spontaneous order and liberalism’s complex relation to democracy. Independent review,16(2)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Political and Migration Issues Affecting Puerto Ricans in the United St

Political and Migration Issues Affecting Puerto Ricans in the United States Puerto Ricans have a very distinct and complicated history. Their history is unlike any other immigrants who migrated at the United States at any time. Their island became a focus of the United States in 1898, when they won the island as booty in the Spanish-American war. Puerto Ricans residing in the United States have always had the dilemma of having to straddle both the American and Puerto Rican cultures and Spanish and English languages. In my opinion, Puerto Ricans have never had it easy living in the United States. So when I ask my grandparents, and other older generation Puerto Ricans why they decided to migrate from what I thought was "paradise" to the United States, they all give me the same answer. They wanted a better future for their families. They all felt that once they lived in the United States, opportunity would be knocking at the door. As exemplified in the novel, Memoirs of Bernando Vega: A Contribution to the History of the Puerto Rican Community in New York, Puerto Ricans struggled just as much in the mainland as they did on the island. Because of the relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico, one would think that Puerto Ricans would have had many advantages over other immigrants, especially after passing of the Jones Act of 1917, which granted Puerto Ricans a partial citizenship status. However, that was not the case either. Puerto Ricans still dealt with discrimination, a great deal of setbacks and downfalls, as well as issues of forced assimilation. Their high hopes of becoming successful in the United States usually came to an end after about a month or so of living in the United States when they realized it w... ...sly and were more involved politically. The difference is also due to the times in which these political groups were active, and the level of compliance Puerto Ricans had with the American political system, and improvements to individual organizations. Still there were many improvements made, and the same could not have been accomplished without Vega’s older generation of politicians. Still the efforts continue. It is now up the future generation of young Puerto Ricans to help unite their people, and their community advance. The politics of the Puerto Rican people has evolved from class politics, to ethnic politics, to what is now identity politics. In the beginning they struggled to be heard and represented in their small communities, and now we must continue to fight to have a voice and representation, not just in our community, but in the government as well.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Welcome, class of 2012. Today I'm earning my Associate of Science degree [and let me tell you it feels great]. This fall I'll be studying physics at State University. I'm so proud to be graduating with you here at Northern Community College. Tonight, we're here to celebrate our accomplishments [and you know we deserve it!] May we not forget how far we have come, and let us look to the future and continue to push ourselves to reach for our dreams and goals. Some time ago we took that all so important first step. We recognized the VALUE and significance of our educations and determined to better ourselves, and today each one of us has achieved an important goal. Congratulations to all of you. I know that it was not easy. Many of us had our doubts when we came to this campus. We worried that we were too young or too old. We may have been afraid because it was the first time we'd ever been on a college campus. Maybe we didn't think we could handle the math, or the writing or the computers or what ever it was we told ourselves we could not do. However, we took the first step and came here to Northern Community College because we saw an opportunity: to learn, to grow, to stretch ourselves in order to improve upon our abilities and rise to that next level. Today, Northern will award approximately 1900 degrees or certificates. These students reflect a great diversity, something we should be very proud of here at Northern. We have students graduating tonight that represent many different cultures, and the one thing we all have in common is that we all had hopes of a better life for ourselves and our families and we knew that self-improvement was the only way to achieve this goal. And we stuck with it. We overcame; we so... ...orth your precious time to do what you love. So what is it that you're passionate about? Are you pursuing your passions? Are you passionate about what the future holds for you in your new career? Only you can answer this question. I have agonized for quite some time over this and have concluded that I will NEVER, ever, regret following my heart. In closing, I want to acknowledge that we could not have done this without the instructors and staff here at Northern Community College or our family and friends. So, thank you to all those people on campus who gave us their time. Thank you to friends who believed in us. Thank you to family members who encouraged us. Thank you to community members who supported us with scholarships and other opportunities. Thank you all! Again, Congratulations to the 2005 Graduating Class of Northern Community College!

Hair Gel :: Business Management Studies

Hair Gel Brylcreem (brill-cream) was created in 1929. It was also invented at the Chemico Works in Bradford Street in Birmingham. Brylcreem was the first mass-marketed men's hair care product. Its purpose is to keep combed hair in place. The shiny look it gave to the hair was also fashionable for a time. Other substances, including petroleum jelly, were in use for this purpose earlier. During this time Brylcreem had the jingle which was "Brylcreem A Little Dab'll Do Ya" which was introduced to the TV viewers at that time. This greasy substance used by men, so they could slick and style down their hair. It comes in a tube and a small amount is squeezed out, rubbed between the palms, and applied to the head. The company brylcreem has been around for a long time. They market gels, wax and cream. Brylcreem are still around today, but they are not as popular as they were back then. They also tried to come back into the market as they tried to introduce new products and new packaging which was in 2002. The problem they had was that they sat back and let other companies join in. At that time they did not market very well. So now at the moment, not that many people use the product. So this company shouldn’t really be a problem for me. Dax This Company has just started over in the UK but is quite well known in the USA. The company has been established in 1983 in the USA and brought over to UK in the year 1994. There weakness is that they are not well known but are beginning to be known quite well. They have no marketing strategies out. They have two types of waxes out on the market. One of them is called â€Å"wave and groom† and the other â€Å"short and neat†. People have made complaints about there products before. The wave and groom product because it actually sticks to your hair like glue and people also say because their product is partly made out of oil it id hard to get out of your hair. They also supply a shampoo to get the wax out but it doesn’t say that on the wave and groom tin. They are a not so big here as they are in USA so my product should be able to withstand them. TRE semme TRE semme only do only one type of wax. They also do fibre putty which is a sticky wax. TRE semme has only been marketed nation- wide from August 2004. The products they do are shampoo’s, mousse,

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Community Health Nursing Essay

Community description and data analysis Orange County is located in the United States of America in the Southern region in the state of California. In addition with Los Angeles to the north, San Diego County to the south and Riverside and San Bernardino counties to the east. There are 84 cites within the county and several unincorporated areas. The County has a total area of 789 square miles of land and 158.6 square miles or 16.6% of water. The average temperature is about 68 degrees Fahrenheit (â€Å"Orange County, California†). There are also several beaches that are along the coastland that cover more than 40 miles. In addition to its popularity of being home to Disneyland, this county is well known for being a tourist attraction. Orange County was established after the severe drought in the 1860’s. During this time cattle ranching collapsed leading the way towards the boom in silver mining. This huge growth in population lead California legislatures to divide Los Angles county and created Orange county as a separate political entity in March 11th, 1889 (â€Å"Orange County, California†). The State of California and Orange County are in a severe water shortage as the state has implemented laws to discourage unnecessary water usage. Population and Economic Status From an epidemiologic viewpoint the U.S census in 2012 estimated the population in Orange County to be around 3,090,132 with a population density of 3871 people per square mile. The average household size in Orange County is 2, in addition, the average gross adjusted income of non-migrant tax payers in this county in 2005 was $74,786. The median average contract for rent in 2009 for renting an apartment is approximately $1,367 per month, while the average house value approximated to be around $530,000. The percentage of residents living in poverty in the year 2009 was approximately 10.7% with 5.8% being white non-Hispanic, 13.0% of black residents, 17.3% for Hispanic or Latino, and 18.6% for other race residents. The median age of Orange County residents in 2010 was 36 years old with males having the median age of 34 years old and females 37. The birth rate for live births per 1000 population from the year 2000 to 2006 was 15.4. Death rates showed slightly lower rates per 1000 from the years 2000 to 2006 with 5.8%. Persons enrolled in hospital insurance and/or supplemental medical insurance (Medicare) in the year 2003 was 309,081 (281,334 aged, 27,747 were disabled) (â€Å"Orange County, California†). In comparison to residents without health coverage in the year 2000 was estimated at 15%. Unemployment rate is estimated at 143,026, while the amount of employed is estimated at 1,445,477 in the 2010 census report (â€Å"State & County Quick Facts†). Cultural Assessment From the biophysical considerations, the aging baby boomers make up 25.4% of the population in Orange County with more families caring for the elderly at home especially among the Hispanic population. There are over 7,326 persons living in nursing homes in 2010. Coping with stress and adapting to change when the unemployment hit an all time low in 2010 with 10,000 jobs lost put residents in a crisis. Current unemployment rate in  Orange County is 5.0% with and estimated 3 million people homeless. There are 44.1% white non-Hispanic, 33.7% Hispanic or Latino, 17.7% Asian and 1.5% Black non- Hispanics living in Orange County. There are slightly more females with 53.0% and males at 47.0%. The Republican Party slightly out numbered the Democratic Party in 2012 by approximately 8,000 votes. In March of 2000 there is a recorded foreign-born entry population of 165,344 people. The current population of college students is 230,749 and people 25 years of age and older with a high school degree or higher is 79.5%.  Religion statistics show the Catholic Church Adherents has the highest population of 61.2% with the Jewish ranking at 4.7% and the LDS Mormon Church 3.4%. The most common place of birth other than Orange County among foreign born residents is Mexico at 46% with Vietnam coming in second at 13%. There are 56.6% of residents who speak English at home, compared with 25.3% residents who speak Spanish as their primary language. The government finances expenditure in 2006 for Orange County for assistance and subsidies was $210,973,000 with public welfare and cash assistance programs paying out approximately $6,483,000 (Orange County California). Neighborhood/ Community safety There are approximately 18% of children living in poverty and with 26% living in single-parent households. Social and economic factors showed violent crime rates ranking at 230 and 37 injuries to death. There are no drinking water violations in comparison to 28% claims of severe housing problems among renters. There are a low percentage of people having limited access to food at 1% of the population with 15 homeless shelters found in and around Orange County that have access to food, clothing and shelter (Orange County Health Department). Potential weather events include the high incidence for earthquakes. Orange County area has a historical earthquake activity high above the California state average and 2458% overall above the U.S average (Orange County California). Government finances expenditure for police protection for 2006 estimated over $276,955,000 and cost for correctional institutions was over $178,413,000 (Orange County California). There are 26 police departments and 12 fire departments through out Orange County with first responder medics on duty. The numbers for homicides between the years 2000-2006 have a less than state average with 27.8 per 1,000,000. Suicides are also at a below state average between 2000-2006 with 79.3 per 1,000.000. (Orange County California). While Immigration is an ongoing debate in Orange County and California the state’s immigrant population only increased by 15% (1.3 million) in the year 2000s, compared to 37% (2.4 million) in the 1990s (Public Policy institute of California). Obesity and  Alzheimer’s disease is on the rise in Orange County. There are 70% of adults who rate their health as either excellent or good compared with 30% who rate their health as fair or poor. The incidence for Alzheimer’s disease has increased 39% between 2005-2009. In 2009 there is a recorded 33.1% adults considered over weight by comparison to 17.3% being obese. In 2011 the Calif ornia  Department of Children and physical fitness test showed 37.8% of children tested as having an unhealthy body composition. This high incidence has been found to be contributed to sedentary lifestyles and being overweight. These statistics show evidence for the pertinent nursing diagnosis of ineffective health maintenance as evidenced by the unfavorable health disparities listed above. (Orange County Indicators). Nursing actions for these disparities include more after school activity programs that include physical activities. Schools to be required to offer more fresh fruit and vegetables to be included in meals. Offering education for families and children about the potential risks for child obesity and ways to decrease the numbers by offering nutrition counseling at school. Educating the community of health risk and signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and where to seek medical attention specifically for this illness in their community. Provide resources from organizations specially designed to assistance families with special needs for people battling Alzheimer’s disease such as respite care and hospice. Disaster Assessment and Planning During a disaster such as a nuclear power plant emergency or earthquake, tsunamis, terrorism and acts of war the Sheriff – Coroner is designated as the director of emergency services. The counties emergency operations center (EOC) is located at Loma Ridge. In the event of a natural disaster such as a flood, storm, dam failure or coastal oil spill the County executive officer is the director of emergency services (DES). (Orange County Sheriff). The County of Orange also collaborates with the California of Public Health and also with other entities to safeguard a consistent disaster and preparedness plan  through out this region and nation wide (Orange County, California Disaster and preparedness training). Most Orange County residents are unaware of the disaster planning in their community although there is an overall sense of safety as they put their full trust in community officials. Although there are several safety issues throughout Orange County such as unsafe side walks for the elderly and non- handicap accessible. The County has funded grants and bonds to improve the potential hazards. References Orange County, California. (n.d). Retrieved from County of Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (n.d) Retrieved from Community Health Survey Orange County. (n.d) Retrieved from Public Policy Institute of California. (n.d). Retrieved from Orange County Sheriff Department California (n.d). Retrieved from Orange County California Disease and Preparedness training.(n.d) Retrieved from State and County Quick Facts (n.d) Retrieved from Orange County Health Department. (n.d) Retrieved from Orange County Indicators (n.d). Retrieved from Orange County, California State Community Diagnosis The above assessed parameters gives a brief overview of the Health and Safety of Orange County in the State of California. The overall county has statistics showing a healthy community except for the increasing numbers of overweight children who are lacking in physical activity and the increase in Alzheimer’s disease. The plan is to implement more education on nutrition and resources to families for assistance who suffer from Alzheimer’s diseases. Also included will be to educate the community on emergency preparedness and disaster planning.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Case Study-Duraweld

1. List the 5S and comp be to the tendency slaying at Du fresheld. If there argon differences, explown(prenominal) them. The 5S dogmas which originated from Japanese terms of seiri (sort), seiton ( throttle in order), seiso ( scratch), seiketsu (standardize) and shitsuke ( drive) atomic number 18 utilise to clear efficient, great and well organised relieve nop arilselfing environment. word form refers to ensuring that individually item in a subject come to through is in its right-hand(a)(a) straddle or identified as sp ar and removed.When sorting is well implemented, communication in the midst of role players is better and overlap pure tone and productiveness are increased Set in order The second pegleg of 5S involves the prim arrangement of needed items so they are easy to use and accessible for whateverone to find. order of magnitude hands pine away in doing and clerical activities. Shine refers to a c unravel defecate bowl. This corroborates a safe r call on area and line of work areas are quickly identified. An important plane section of shining is Mess Prevention. In other words, dont lease litter, scrap, shavings, cuttings, etc. , to land on the spirit level in the first posture. govern convey to formalised procedures and practices to create consistency and consider that in all steps are signifi ceasetizeed correctly. Orderliness is the shopping center of standardization and is maintained by ocular Controls. Sustain means to keep the do going through training, communication and plaque structure. This last arcdegree of 5S is the discipline and allegiance of all other stages. Without sustaining, the workplace earth-closet easily revert back to macrocosm dirty and chaotic. That is why it is so all-important(a) for the workers to be empowered to better and maintain their workplace.When employees cook p unloosee in their work and workplace it brush aside lead to great art satisfaction and higher produ ctivity. Among the benefits of implementing 5S transcription- * Improve safety * Decrease level period * Raise employee morale * happen upon problems more quickly * Develop rig through visibility * Establish cheery work practices * Increase product and sour quality * Strengthen employees pride in their work * Promote stronger communication among faculty * Empower employees to sustain their work area Duraweld applied sort and set in order principles by using a shadow box as proper tool storage.Storage areas for quick moving materials were set line-side. Labels were utilize to ensure tools were stored in proper place. These implantations have attention to reduce workers travel time as all cars, tools, and information cogitate to their chore is set within a delineate area. Duraweld ensure shine / c escapeliness is practice at the factory. C functioning and aid procedures are advertize in the factory. The infrastructures under the machines were purposely donationicolo ured in white so as to ensure that spilled/oil leak depose easily detected which kindle preserve corrective maintenance. Duraweld created two-cell manufacturing units for repeat armory products.The floor was multi-colour to define the work area, aisle space and location of necessary items. By contacting the routes together, the toil team managed to reduce transferral and set-up time, build awareness of previous/side by side(p) hardlyt against and increase productivity. This order crop was merely enhanced by the instruction execution of Kanban card the visual wariness placement that incorporates scheduling and maintenance. The Kanban cards indicate what to bring approximately, when to produce and how oft to produce. These standard operating procedures has suspensor to reduce over- occupation at Duraweld.Furthermore its pull as opposed to push dust allows advance dominion of intermediate stocks in the end product cycle. Among the key factors which lead to successful tiptoe executing in Duraweld is through its sustain processes. The company ensures its employees from shop floor to the superlative managements are committed to the lean programme. proper communication sessions via workshops, training were held to explain about the changes, how it affect them, the benefit etc. This abets to ingrain positive values and make bothone be part of the system employee date.Duraweld has similarly invested in an enterprise imagery planning (ERP) system to micromanage stock variation and seasonality. This system link operation across the constitution. The practicality of 5S principals endure be seen through various implementations in Durawell as explained above. What makes the implementation of these principles throughout the organisation a big success is its employees engagement that makes the lean system as part of their culture in their work place and organisation as a whole. The principle aim of a 5S system is improved safety, ef ficiency, and employee morale.By deciding what should be kept, where it should be kept, and how it should be kept, 5S eliminates superabundanceful clutter and creates ownership of processes among workers. The consequents of 5S are both visually and economically dramatic. 2. draw in which kind of waste was eliminated for each lean implementation at Duraweld. Can you conceptualize of other types of waste that could be eliminated? bobble is defined as non-value added activity or expense that the guest is not remunerative for. By eliminating waste in the operations, we can reduce lead times, increase quality and decrease costs.Before we can eliminate waste from the processes, we need to be able to chance on it. The succeeding(a) are the wastes most unremarkably associated with Lean. * Transportation Is there unnecessary (non-value added) driving of parts, materials, or information between processes? * postponement Are people or parts, systems or facilities idle waiting for a work cycle to be completed? * overproduction Are you producing sooner, faster or in greater quantities than the customer is demanding? * Defects Does the process result in anything that the customer would deem impossible? Inventory Do you have any raw materials, work-in-progress (WIP) or finished goods that are not having value added to them? * Movement How much do you move materials, people, equipment and goods within a processing step? * Extra touch on How much extra work is per organise beyond the standard required by the customer? At Duraweld, the 5S (Sort, Set to order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain) was the cornerstone that helps the organisation eliminating the waste. The first step taken by Duraweld was converting a push manufacturing consort to a pull process by creating a visual management system of Kanban card.The cards indicate what to process, when to process and how much to produce. not only it reduces over-production but allows better regulation of intermediat e stocks in production cycle. provided the required amount is produced in every stage. This process eliminate waste no work was carried out unnecessarily, machine time is slighter, better utilisation of space in factory. The use of shadow get ons helps to organise the all-important(a) tools. Relevant machines and tools were aggregated in cells. Floors were painted in white to assist prototype of maintenance issues or detect early(a) wear.Labelling program ensures item/tool used returned to their designated location. This helps in reducing motion of workers i. e. one of the wastes in production line whereby workers can find all machines, tools, and information related to their task is set within a defined area without having to travel just about to find what they need. The preventive maintenance by ensuring early detection of wear machine or tools can reduce maintenance cost. The 3S sort, sort in order and shine exercises as explain above also found waste from plastic cuts f rom the production line which can be recycled and reinserted the manufacturing cycle.The implementation of visual management technique and earn work area organisation ensure people were kept working which means the re citations are amply utilised. This eliminates unproductivity among the workers their movements are fully come acrossled not only by the supervisors but also by the workflow process/schedules. Duraweld made big investment by using an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to manage stock variation and seasonal stock adjustments. The system allows materials movements, stocks, and production schedules to be managed and observeed through a database in a computer.By using this technology, Duraweld can reduce its manpower cost whereby less supervisor is require to monitor the database as compared to more supervisor required to monitor each tasks if its done manually. intercourse is the key success to sustain the lean implementation in the organisation. Cl ear essence was sent across the board on how the changes is require to be done, the benefits and the impact of the implementation to the workers imprintively communicated. This not only gets rid of grievances among the workers which are a waste in any organisation but improve employee morale and create sense of be to the organisation.The tracking and elimination of waste is an on-going process. When waste is not actively sought and removed, it pull up stakes continue to build in your company. 3. Considering Durawelds situation, explain which elements of the lean system you would just implement and what would be their positive consequences on the company. As discussed in question no. 2, one of the important elements in the lean system is eliminating the waste which in Durawelds case, the 5S systems are used as a tool to eliminate the wastes within its factory.On filch of that the use of Kanban cards system help to increase efficiency in its production cycle by replacing the pu sh system with the pull system. In my opinion, the conserveing elements of Lean can be further implement at Duraweld- 1) Visual solicitude A Standard Operating map and a step-by-step instruction which implemented through the visual management such(prenominal) as a manual board/instruction board at each workstation and machine can be used to show how each task is perform or machine is operated.When this visual management is fully utilised, not only the production flows are in order, job gyration among workers can be perform effectively any employees can be expert to do any task or operate any machine by referring to the instruction board. This will reduce the company dependency of particular skilled workers. Everyone in the shop floor is multi-tasked. 2) Quality at the source The quality at source require the production line to do things right the first time. This will eliminate the opportunity of waste i. e. waste of raw material, defect outputs etc. hich will help to reduce c ost. At the early stage of production cycle, the workers will inspect, analyse and control their own work to guarantee that the goods and operate passed on to the next process stage meet the specification/requirement. 3) Continuous proceeds Conventional wisdom told us if it aint broke, dont holdfast it The reality of todays crinkle environment is that if were not better our line of business processes and meet and exceed customers expectation, our business will not survive. Many organizations create change either by vision or by crisis.The latter seems to be the most prevalent. A major crisis takes place that forces a company to make an improvement. When a crisis hits, its because the vision or change efforts were not sufficient to avoid it. readily fixes are then applied, and teams are formed to root out the problems. We have to take the time to step back, identify, and analyze what the real issues are, and the type of method to use. There are numerous improvement choices Ka izen, Lean Manufacturing, sise Sigma, TQM, Process Reengineering, Value Propositions, etc. 4) exchangeable OperationsOne of the most important tools of lean manufacturing is standardized work. When starting a 5S program, the cleaning, organizing, and developing of sustainable practices is done so the elements of work can be standardized. In lean product development deployments, by developing and psychotherapeutic design guidelines, we are in effect implementing standardized work for engineers. The principles of lean and flow production do not work well when everyone is allowed to choose the method or sequence in which to do the job quality suffers, and productivity drops.This reduces throughput and the carefully positive production system develops unanticipated bottlenecks. Standardized work is a detailed, documented and visual system by which associates develop and follow a series of predefined process steps. It should be used whenever the work requires completing a series of t asks. Production workers, shipping departments, and depot teams all can benefit from implementing standardized work. References- 1. execution of instrument of Lean Manufacturing Techniques. Retrieved December 1, 2012, from Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Techniques eHow. com

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Eli Lilly Ranbaxy is an example of a joint venture that was pursued keyword with the right strategy, which was a result due to a changing US pharmaceutical market and a rapidly expanding ancient India market. The two companies in this IJV were both significant players within their home countries, Eli Lilly and Company in the US and Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited extract from India. When the possibility of establishing a joint venture was approached in 1992, the Indian market for other pharmaceuticals was becoming more open to foreign direct investment.Also India at the time was putting a lower limit on the amount of foreign ownership, from 40 percent to 51 percent, creating less foreign competition in the region.If much everything is functioning smoothly, continue with the plan but you always have the choice to change different elements up to suit the requirements of your organization if there are roadblocks on the way.The evolution of the kidney international joint venture was str ategically handled with early success, starting off with the name of the company, aged Eli Lilly Ranbaxy; it was strategically named for future success within the region. Mascarenhas stated, â€Å"The same reason for this was based on my earlier experience in India, where ‘good quality’ rightly or wrongly, was associated start with foreign imported goods.Eli Lilly Ranbaxy sounded foreign enough! † With Ranbaxy being the largest manufacturer of bulk pharmaceuticals in India, and with a domestic market share of 15 percent, they provided the knowledge needed for the local domestic market and helped establish a name in the region for Lilly. Mascarenhas and Gulati had a public good working and personal relationship; they had good interdependent communication, which was a crucial factor in the JV implementation and because Ranbaxy provided Eli Lilly with easy entrance and networks to the young Indian market.Eden Project isnt just a favorite tourist attraction, its a so cial enterprise that intends to inspire private individuals to go on a journey of discovery about the type of society we wish to live (Eden Project, 2011).

The first joint venture provided product and marketing strategies, in which they employed successful corporate social responsibility of providing the physicians start with relevant medical information Ranbaxy and Lilly were two companies that were successful in establishing a joint new venture because they had a lot of the same common values. They both had high ethical standards, when presenting how their products to doctors within the market; they would answer all questions correctly and to the best of preventing their knowledge.Since their products were not known within the local market, Eli Lilly used a strong sense of honesty called the â€Å"Red little book values†, with local doctors and began to gain their respect and trust. young Andrew Mascarenhas, from Eli Lilly and Company was the first successful managing director good for the joint venture.Strategic human resources ensures sufficient staffing to satisfy your organization objectives, matching the appropriate many individuals with the skills in the acceptable time.Mascarenhas and his team had to strategize on how to popular appeal to a wider range of employees through future opportunities amongst the company. Eli Lilly Ranbaxy invested in a military training program. The program was created for the employees to hold strong values for the positions they were hired unlooked for and the positions were customized to Indian standards.Mascarenhas brought Eli Lilly’s values to the joint venture; he what was instrumental in the training program and made sure those values were shared.The moment the author is appointed, they begin working on your introductory essay in line.

Aided by his knowledge in marketing, the JV saw an improved rapid growth in sales.Rajiv Gulati was shortly promoted after Chris Shaw. Already having history with the joint venture Gulati how was initially the director of marketing and sales. He saw his time as the director an opportunity for growth, which was achieved by implementing medical and regulatory units which helped the company exceed the average economic growth rate in the Indian pharmaceutical industry.Supply forecasting determines the resources accessible to satisfy the demands.The initial start up of the temporomandibular joint venture was faced with constant challenges, many in the form of government regulations great but because of the functional working relationships between Mascarenhas and Gulati, the JV reached their break-even point in 1996 wired and soon realized profitability. With the growth of the pharmaceutical market the company also went through significant changes to keep up with innovations.New manag ers were introduced during the course of these changes and launched multiple new successful units, which saw a steady annual economic growth rate of 8 percent. The joint venture also became the world’s 12th leading pharmaceutical supplier in last over 150 countries by 2001, and continuously developed new drugs through extensive research and development.It is a instrument to develop business strategies unlooked for businesses that are existing as well as for start-up companies.

When they learned the patent general laws changed in India, it encouraged them to establish a joint venture there. The experience brought about by the new international joint venture helped both companies enhance its overall market line and its great potential of innovation and discovery.Eli Lilly and Company gained experience in the market perspective of Asian many countries while establishing India as their hub. Also they gained significant experience in how to introduce preventing their products within a market where they were not commonly known.Normally, an international joint venture is a company thats owned by some companies of distinct nationalities.The main reason for the they separation, is that each company started to focus on different objectives when the industry started to grow, Ranbaxy focusing on generics and Lilly focusing on research and development. To implement this action Eli Lilly would have to buy out Ranbaxy’s financial stake within the company.Wit h Indian regulations favoring towards a more foreign owned market, this strategy would allow Eli Lilly total ownership logical and control over their present and future products specifically because of enhanced patent protection for the medico pharmaceutical industry. Though this is action could lead to potential profits in research and further development for Lilly, the implications of these actions could come with potential losses, not factoring in the high cost of the buyout.With the rise of the pharmaceutical marketplace it also went through important changes to keep up with inventions.

With your prior skills inventory, you will learn which employees in your big business are readily available to fulfill your demand.Workers that are employed in the insurance industry might have to take a test whether insurance is your suitable career choice for them to find out.Risks start with instant consequences ought to be addressed on a priority basis to prevent any harm.Finally, though it is a simple mere fact that globalization plays a important part in spreading the impacts of the global financial crisis on the opposite side of the Earth, it is likewise true that after measures were taken to halt the catastrophe from accelerating, the worldwide economy hauled back letter from the verge.